In 1999 there were added 10.000 sm2 from PAEGAE in order to be next to custom warehouse so we can quickly satisfy our customer needs. That year, we also bought 12 brand new Mercedes Actros 1843 transport trucks, with austrian constructions from KASSBOHRER. Also, each and every truck has telematic technology so we can see in real-time where are our trucks every single minute. TOP LINE was the first company to add this technology to it’ s trucks in order to serve quality servieces to our clients. In 2004 TOP LINE buys even more trucks that are Mercedes Actros 1844 MP2, also with austrian constructions from KASSBOHRER. In 2007 we buy 9brand new EURO 5 trucks also with Austrian constructions from KASSBOHRER because of our constantly rising customer base. As we should in order to be one step in front of our competitors, this year we also bought 1 new truck with Euro 6 engine so we can satisfy our customer needs quickly and safely.